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Afrika-Micke - The natural way to go on a safari in Österlen

Events in Österlen

All Day


Brantevik Sports Centre 14:00: Leafy carriages depart from Norra skolan and take the children to the sports centre. Activities: Dancing around the midsummer pole, eel lottery, stuffed animal raffle, scoring on a pole, dart throwing and fish pond. Catering: Hot dogs, [...]

Chocolate tasting

Österlenchoklad Tranesvägen 37, Skåne Tranås

Visit the chocolate factory in Skåne-Tranås and experience a chocolate tasting of real chocolate. A perfect activity to do by yourself or for the whole family.


Midsummer toast with breakfast

Axeltorp Padel, Österlen Simrishamnsvägen 55, Hammenhög

Morning paddle with breakfast. A great start to Midsummer's Eve! Americano or mexicano is played. All levels are welcome and both women & men players After the paddle we have breakfast at "Rävåkra" (included in the price) [...]

195 SEK

Midsummer sailing with Klara Marie

Klara Marie at Skillinge Harbour plan, quay, Skillinge

What is a midsummer without a sailing trip with Klara Marie. At 11am we cast off and sail out on the lake with birched sails and a freshly raised flag both at the top and [...]


Rockhead Art, summer 2024

Rockhead Art Fabriksgatan 1, Simrishamn

Ulf Lundell Exhibition summer 2024 / Painting & Graphics May: Fri - Sun 11-16 / June, July, Aug: Thurs - Sun 11-16 (Midsummer Eve closed) Sept: Fri-Sun 11-16 Fabriksgatan 1, Simrishamn [...]


The mustard tree and the birds of the air

Rikstolvan Rikstolvan 34, Simrishamn

Siri Derkert and Theresa Traore Dahlberg present the exhibition The Mustard Tree and the Birds of the Sky. Despite almost a hundred years between their births, Siri Derkert, one of the true pioneers of the 20th century, resonates with [...]

150 SEK

Midsummer Eve in Hanna's House

Hannas House Örums Stora Väg 21, Hammenhög

Midsummer's Eve at Hanna's House Midsummer's Eve 21 June 15.00-21.00 You! Come and celebrate Midsummer Eve with us! At 15.00 we open the doors and set the table with a classic midsummer buffet. Then you can [...]

525 SEK

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